Murray Feldman,


Murray Feldman was born in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada on April 7, 1945. He can be reached at the Vancouver Centre for Homeopathy, 2246 Spruce St., Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6H 2P3.

His phone is 604 733-6811
His website is

Murray Feldman is the founder and director of the Vancouver Homeopathic Academy. Murray has been studying, practicing and lecturing in homeopathy since 1977.

Murray studied for three years in India, then graduated from The College of Homoeopathy in London, England. He has also studied with George Vithoulkas, Roger Morrison, Rajan Sankaran, Jayesh Shah and other homeopathic teachers and practitioners.

Murray lectures internationally and has taught in England, Finland, Ireland, Israel, and the United States. Murray practices homeopathy at the Vancouver Centre for Homeopathy.

He is also a member of the academic commitee for Homeopathic Research and Charities in Mumbai (Bombay), India, a postgraduate training centre for advanced homeopathic studies. He does most of the teaching in the first year and is the primary instructor in homeopathic philosophy.

Books by Murray Feldman include:

Homeopathy for Children
Repertory of Bowel Nosodes