Short tips from A – Z
By : Dr. Sayeed Ahmad (D.I. Hom. London)

Anger --- Arn., Bry., Cham., Chin., Gels., Nux-v.
Bad Eggs --- Carb-v.
Bad Fat --- Ars., Carb-v.
Bad Fish --- All-c., Carb-v.
Bad Food --- Carb-v.
Bad News --- Gels.
Bad Water --- All-c., Crotal-h.
Bathing Cold --- Mag. Phos.
Bee Sting --- Led.
Bereavement --- Ign.
Bites --- Hyper., Led.
Blood Poisoning --- Pyro.
Bone, Injury to --- Rut., Symph., Hecla.
Bruises --- Arn., Led., Rut.
Burns and Scalds --- Urt-u.
Coffee, Abuse of --- Nux-v.
Cold, With Damp --- Dulc.
Cold, Dry Winds --- Acon., Hep.
Damp, Cold Weather --- Gels.
Damp, Cold Winds, Exposure to --- All-c., Calc-c.
Damp Sheets --- Rhus-t.
Damp, Warm Weather --- Carb-v.
Dentition --- Cham.
Depressing Emotions --- Gels.
Dog Bites --- Hydrophob.
Eating, Excess in --- Bry., Nux-v.
Effects of Pleasurable --- Coff.
Exam. Funk --- Anac., Gels.
Eyes, Injuries to --- Acon., Symph.
Eyes, Overstrain --- Rut.
Fat --- Carb-v., Ipec., Puls.
Fear --- Acon.
Feet Wetting --- Puls.
Fractures --- Rut., Symph.
Fruit --- Ars., Chin.
Grief --- Ars., Ign.
Head, Blow on --- Hyper.
Head, Getting Wet --- Bell., Rhus-t.
Ice Cream --- Puls.
Nerves, Injuries to --- Hyper.
Pastry --- Puls.
Punctured Wounds --- Hyper., Led.
Riding in Carriage --- Cocc.
Storms --- Gels., Phos.
Sun (Too Much) --- Acon., Bell., Gels., Glon.
Vertigo from Sunlight --- Agar-m.