Catherine Coulter


Catherine Coulter was born on January 21st 1934 in London, England. She lives in USA and can be contacted at 21 Addison Street, Arlington, Massachusetts 02476. Her telephone/fax number is: 781-6414330.

Ms. Coulter practices classical homeopathy half time since 1961, full time since 1974. She has taught since 1975, mainly in the United States. She teaches homeopathic doctors through the preceptorship method. She only works in conjunction with licensed practitioners. She is affiliated with the National Center of Homoeopathy and the Summer School Course for Physicians. (Lecturer on Materia Medica 1977 - 1988)

Ms. Coulter is the author of: Portraits of Homoeopathic Medicines (3 Volumes).

Her books are thoroughly documented. If there is no reference to a classical text then, as far as she is aware, she has been the first to make the observation in the homeopathic literature. This, however, only refers to the mental-emotional symptoms. She did not document every physical symptom, for fear of weighing down the book and because these are easily accessed in the standard literature.