Modern Homoeopathy

Monthly Newsletter February 2008


Diagnostic Quiz

February 2008


Every winner who will answer all question correctly his name will be displayed on website & he will get Appreciation Certificate.

One Lucky winner amongst correct entry will get Special gift & Appreciation certificate.


Diagnostic Quiz

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1. Visual Quiz

Diagnose from above photo of the child having red, itchy rash on the skin that usually appears first on the abdomen or back and face and then spreads to almost everywhere else on the body. It is a common illness among kids particularly those under 12 caused by the virus.



2. Radiological Quiz

Diagnose from above color Doppler image of the patient having Congenital heart disease. It is an abnormality of the upper chambers of the heart (atria) where the wall between the right and left atria does not close completely.



3. Find the similimum of the following case

A Child is having Fever since 7 days in which Increased ESR, increased Leucocyte count, throat infection, continued fever, chilliness, great heat with profuse hot sweat but sweating does not cause fall in temperature, pulse is abnormally rapid out of proportion to temperature. Diagnose the similimum of the case.




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Dr. Pawan S. Chandak & Dr. Mrs. Asha P. Chandak

'Shradha' Vishnu Nagar, Basmat Road

Parbhani 431 401

Maharashtra, India

Tel: +91-2452-220001

Cell: +91-9422924861


Send your answers up to 10/03/2008 with your name, address & email ids.

Name of correct entries will be displayed in next issue. He will get Appreciation certificate from us.

Lucky winner will be only one amongst correct entries will be selected by Lucky draw and will get special prize from us.



© Copyright with Dr. Pawan S. Chandak