Modern Homoeopathy Newsletter

October 2007


Dear Readers,

We are feeling very happy that in our first & introductory issue we got an overwhelming response from all homoeopathic doctors & students.

'Modern Homoeopathy - An Evidence based Homoeopathy' monthly newsletter entering in 2nd month in its new and improved form with Photo Quiz & Diagnostic Quiz as special feature for homoeopathic students, practitioners & Research scholars.

I would like to thanks to readers who by subscribing this journal has motivated us , the authors who has contributed quality homoeopathic articles, and the board of editors who has worked hard to make each issue a reality.

I especially take  opportunity to thank Dr. Mrs. Asha P. Chandak, Dr. Sudinkumar, Dr. Shajikutty, Dr. Sayeed Ahmed, Dr. Joby Johny, Dr. Rejikumar, Dr. M.E. Prasanth of our editorial board who has helped me a lot in last & current issue.

Even after busy in exam preparation Dr. Joby Johny & Dr. Rejikumar has devoted their important & valuable time for Book Review & HomoeoProphylaxis column.

Form this issue we are starting Quiz contest for students & practitioners. I will request all of you please participate in quiz contest and send your entries by email or post to me before 05/11/2007. We will publish name of Participants on website who will answer correctly on website in nest issue of 'Modern Homoeopathy - An Evidence based Homoeopathy' monthly newsletter and they will also awarded with Appreciation Certificate from our Editorial team of Newsletter. One luck winner will be chosen amongst correct entry & he will get special gift as Lucky Prize.

In this issue I am feeling happy to inform you that to motivate & to build up internal energy of Homoeopathic students & Practitioners we are focusing on 'Einstein of Homoeopathy' i.e. Dr. Praful Vijaykar through his theory of Suppression & vast & wide knowledge of Genetics has proved that Homoeopathy is an Modern Science.

In this issue we are focusing on 'Infertility & its Homoeopathic Approach'. We have tried to cover almost all the issued related with it including the latest techniques adopted in treatment.  In the contest of increasing incidence of male & female infertility we hope the issue will give useful information to our valued readers as always. Please give us your valuable feedback.

We also invite your suggestion about quality & layout of journal.  You can write or mail to me Remember we draw our strength from you.

We made it up to this much together

We will also march forward together

Dr. Pawan S. Chandak

Chief Editor  ('Modern Homoeopathy - An Evidence based Homoeopathy' newsletter)


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