Modern Homoeopathy

Monthly E-Newsletter February 2008

Homoeopathic Management of Hepatitis A


Dr. Pawan S. Chandak

Homoeopathy plays an very important role in the management of Hepatitis A. In treating cases having Liver troubles caused by Hepatitis A detail case history should be taken, try to rule out whether there is any epidemic of Hepatitis A, Detail physical examination including local examination, of abdomen, try to find out any swelling & tenderness of liver, spleen. Abdominal examination should be done properly.  All Liver Function Test including Total Bilirubin Test, Direct Bilirubin, Indirect Bilirubin, Serum SGPT, Serum SGOT, Alkaline Phosphatase, Total Proteins, Serum Albumin, Serum Globulin etc test should be done. In Homoeopathy there are specific medicines like Chelidonium, Cardus Marians which should be given in Tincture form. Hydrastis Can increased Appetite in Jaundiced patients. China can be used in post effects of Hepatitis cases. Pre & Post Treatment investigation should be done properly. Proper Dietary advise should be given to patient.

In Homoeopathy we consider not the disease but the patient as a whole so medicine selection depends upon the history of patient which not only cures Hepatitis but cures it permanently.

Repertorial Approach:

FACE - DISCOLORATION - liver spots
STOMACH - VOMITING - lying - side - right - liver complaints; in

STOMACH - VOMITING - lying - side - right - liver complaints; in
STOMACH - PAIN - extending to - liver

ABDOMEN - FATTY degeneration of liver
ABDOMEN - LIVER and region of


ABDOMEN - PAIN - Hypochondria - right
ABDOMEN - PAIN - Hypochondria - right - eating - amel.
ABDOMEN - PAIN - Hypochondria - right - eating - satiety; after eating to
ABDOMEN - PAIN - Hypochondria - right - lying - painful side; on - agg.
ABDOMEN - PAIN - Hypochondria - right - extending to - back
ABDOMEN - BALL; sensation of a - Liver, in
ABDOMEN - PAIN - burning - Liver
ABDOMEN - PAIN - burrowing - Liver
ABDOMEN - PAIN - cutting - Liver
ABDOMEN - PAIN - drawing - Liver
ABDOMEN - PAIN - gnawing - Liver
ABDOMEN - PAIN - pressing - Liver
ABDOMEN - PAIN - scratching - Liver
ABDOMEN - PAIN - sore - Liver, in
ABDOMEN - PAIN - sprained, as if - Liver, stooping
ABDOMEN - PAIN - stitching - Liver
ABDOMEN - PAIN - stitching - Liver - lying - liver; on
ABDOMEN - PAIN - tearing - Liver
ABDOMEN - SMALL liver; sensation of
CHEST - PAIN - pressing - Sides - right - extending to liver
CHEST - ERUPTIONS - rash - red - itching rash over region of liver
SLEEP - RESTLESS - liver complaints, in
SLEEP - SLEEPLESSNESS - liver complaints, in
SLEEP - SLEEPLESSNESS - liver complaints, in
SKIN - DISCOLORATION - liver spots
SKIN - ITCHING - spots - liver spots
GENERALS - DROPSY - liver disease, from

Homoeopathic Materia Medica:

Commonly indicated medicines for Hepatitis A are as follows.


Chelidonium: It is one of our greatest liver medicine. It is indicated for congestion, inflammation, fullness, enlargement of liver in semi-chronic and acute cases. There are stitching, shooting, tearing pain from liver region through back. There is characteristic pain below right shoulder angle, cord like constriction round hypochondria. Most indicated medicine for jaundice. It is an old reputation with homeopath for early pneumonias 'Liver and Lungs".

> hot drinks, hot milk, eating.


Mercurius: It is indicated for Hepatitis. There is Pressing pain or stitches in liver. Cannot lie on right side. Liver tender to touch. Bitter taste, Thirsty, less appetite. Liver is swollen, hard, distended. Indicated for Jaundice. Kent says, " The Liver furnishes much trouble. Our forefathers took blue mass every spring to regulate liver, and tapped their liver with it ! i.e. they had worse livers than if the doctors stayed at home". Desire for beer, ice-water, milk, for sweets which disagree, bread and butter. Aversion to meat, wine, brandy, coffee.


Magnesia Mur: Indicated for Hepatitis with enlargement of liver with ascites. Pressing pain in liver when walking, on touching it. < lying on right side. Can lie only on left side for sensation of something dragging over to that side. Indicated for Chronic indurations of liver. There is recurring attacks of indigestion, biliousness, constipation, hard stools like balls. Patient eat frequently to ease gnawing in stomach.


China: It is indicated for swollen, hard liver, sensitive to touch. There is sensation of subcutaneous ulceration, obstruction of gall bladder with colic, periodic recurrence, jaundice. Indicated for Biliary Calculi. 'Nerves in fret', feeble, sensitive, anaemic, chilly. Periodicity in regards to pains, and complaints.


Phosphorous:  It is indicated for diffuse hepatitis. Indicated for Hyperemia and enlargement of liver. Liver is hard, swollen, large with subsequent atrophy. It is indicated for Hepatitis when suppuration ensue, hectic fever with night sweats, marked soreness over liver. Indicated for Jaundice, pale stools, tympanitic abdomen. It is useful for Liver congestion, quantities of bright, or dark blood discharged with stool. Phosphorous patient craves cold food and drink, ice cream, wine. A/F Bad effects from excessive use of salt. As soon as water becomes warm in stomach it is vomited.


Aresenicum: It is indicated for Hepatitis. Tension, pressing pain in liver which is enlarged. There is painful bloating in right hypochondrium with stitches which extends to stomach. There is violent burning like red hot coal in epigastrium. There is burning thirst with no desire to drink or thirst for small quantities. The burning of Arsenic > heat, hot drinks. Always with the Arsenic restlessness, anxiety and prostration.


Lycopodium: Indicated for Hepatitis especially of children. There is tension like a cord on loop in liver. Patient cannot stretch on stand upright. There is sore pain as from a blow in right hypochondria region < touch. Indicated for Flatulence, everything turns to wind.  > warm drinks. Desire Sweets < touch.


Cardus Marians: It is useful medicine for engorgement of liver, swelled laterally. Pressure, drawing pain, stitches in lever < lying on left side. Indicated for sensitiveness and indurations of left lobe of liver causing difficult breathing and a cough. Indicated for disease of liver with implicated lungs with haemoptysis, simple congestion, or inflammation of liver and lungs.


© Copyright With Dr. Pawan S. Chandak