Monthly Newsletter October 2007
District Collector Of Parbhani Mr. Manohar Bhagat inaugurating site by pressing key on 16Sept 2007 at Luxminarayan Complex, Parbhani. You can See Dr. Pawan S. Chandak, Dr. Mrs. Asha P. Chandak, Adv Ashok Soni, Mr. Arvind Chawria (I.P.S.) and other.
Mr. Arvind Chawria (Additional Superintendent of Police, Parbhani) delivering Speech at Launching Ceremony of at Luxminarayan Complex, Parbhani on 16th Sept 2007.
Mr. Manohar Bhagat (District Collector, Parbhani) delivering speech at launching ceremony of at Luxminarayan complex, Parbhani on 16th Sept 2007.
Adv. Ashokji Soni delivering his speech at Launching ceremony of at Luxminarayan complex, Parbhani on 16th Sept 2007.
Huge Gathering at Launching ceremony of at Luxminarayan complex, Parbhani on 16th Sept 2007.
Dr. Mrs. Asha P. Chandak (Director of delivering speech at launching ceremony of on 16th Sept 2007 at Parbhani.
MOST 2007- A Report
Dr.K.R.Mansoor Ali
Chief Co-ordinator
Medical Officer Structured Training (MOST
-2007)- Competitive exam training programme - organized by Indian Homeopathic
Medical Association (IHMA)Kerala chapter concluded with a state wide model exam
on 23rd September 2007. Training programme started with TOT
(Training Of Trainers) to activate as well as to format faculties and resource
persons after screening by an expert committee on 13th May 2007 at 10
centers in Kerala.
Every center in Kerala packed with
participants. The first class was on How to prepare for competitive exams. 29
sets of well equipped rank files covering all the 12 subjects of BHMS,
systematically prepared by an erudite team of authors , who had cracked
several competitive exams, which provide comprehensive outline to the
essential content with summaries and tables were distributed to aspirants.
28 classes including a model exam were
conducted in all centers . MOST -07 had become a historical success and golden
feather in the hat of IHMA Kerala perhaps in India also . Because 85 out of
100 questions were asked from this rank file in Kerala Public Service
Commission exam on 6th October 07. (
We had assured all the candidates in the
first class itself that "Previous question papers show that plenty of
questions were asked from Allen's key notes. Candidates should have
thorough knowledge of all medicines in Key note"-(Rank file.1,Page.2.How
to prepare for competitive exams).Likewise in this exam also 29 questions
were from Allen's Key note. All the district co-ordinators deserves applaud for
their remarkable effort for the success of MOST-07.
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